New York, NY – The New York City District Council of Carpenters (NYCDCC) has been a staunch supporter of Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors (JAHWW) for eight years. In that time, they have raised over $1.9 million for the organization, whose mission it is to build universally accessible homes for veterans who have returned from military service injured or differently-abled. The Carpenters are also the ones who build or remodel these homes, making possible a more independent lifestyle for these heroes who have made immense sacrifices in the service of their country.
Most recently, on August 11, the NYCDCC held a charity golf tournament and raised $375,000 to be donated to JAHWW. JAHWW was formed in 2009 by Carolina Panthers defensive end Jared Allen after a USO tour to military bases in the Middle East. Moved by what he saw – the commitment, dedication and sacrifice that U.S. soldiers were making, he founded his organization in order to try and make their lives just a little bit easier.
NYCDCC members, many of whom are also veterans, bring their dedication, craftsmanship, and safety standards to their work for JAHWW. Joseph Geigher, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the NYCDCC, said, “Veterans sacrifice so much for our nation and the least we can do is use our skills to give them a home when they return from service.”
“This home has given me and my family a new sense of hope and independence,” said Staff Sergeant Brent Nadjadi, who served in Afghanistan and experienced a “life-changing incident” that caused him to face immense challenges.
U.S. Army Veteran Corporal Paul Skarinka was gravely injured outside of Baghdad while facing enemy fire and explosion. Suffering from PTSD, amputation of his left leg below the knee, and partial amputation of his left arm, he bravely continued to serve his community as an EMT upon his return to the States, but was still in need of an accessible home that would aid him in his daily life.
Both veterans say they are deeply and forever grateful to the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and JAHWW for their work in creating the beautiful and sturdy homes in which they now can live and which are adapted to their needs.
“We are immensely grateful and honored to have the unwavering support of the NYC District Council of Carpenters in our mission at JAH4WW,” said Jared Allen, Chairman of Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors. Speaking of the Carpenters’ August 11 charity golf tournament, held at the Crystal Springs Resort in New Jersey, and attended by supporters from across the construction trades, as well as military veterans and sports figures, Allen said, “Their generous donation of $375,000 will make a significant impact in providing accessible homes for critically wounded combat veterans.” “This partnership is a testament to the caring hearts of our union carpenters and their commitment to improving the lives of wounded heroes for years to come.”