
The Taxi and Limousine Commission has proposed new rules that would affect high-volume for-hire fleets in the city. The rules are meant to address climate change and accessibility. The plan would convert these vehicles, mostly Uber and Lyft, to either zero-emission or wheelchair accessibility by 2030. But Bhairvi Desai, Executive Director of the Taxi Workers Alliance, is crying foul. Although these issues need to be addressed, she says they would unfairly burden drivers. Most of the drivers are also car owners, and it will be they who will bear the costs associated with the changes. They are also already working with high operating costs and about to contend with congestion pricing, she stated, while Uber and Lyft will likely not contribute anything financially.

Read the full story by Richard Khavkine for The Chief-Leader, published August 23, 2023, here:,50978


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