The New York City Managerial Employees Association is reporting that longtime president Stu Eber is stepping down from his
post effective December 7. Executive Vice President Shelly Shulman succeeds Eber in accordance with the MEA bylaws. The association’s Executive Board voted unanimously to elect Treasurer Edgar Landas to replace Mr. Shulman as Executive Vice President and Bernard Orlan to replace Mr. Landas as Treasurer effective the same day.
Eber said, “We need to rebrand the MEA for the next generation of managers. Unionization will reduce the number of managerial employees who can join us and retirements are creating vacancies we need to backfill. The MEA will need to find ways to recruit more higher-level managers as members.”
Membership in the MEA is voluntary. Managers must sign a request for their dues to be sent to MEA. The elected officers do not receive a salary or release time.
Shulman, who recently retired from New York City Health & Hospitals, reflected on his predecessor’s eight-year tenure saying, “Stu did a great job increasing our membership and supporting managers throughout the City’s agencies. He has been a tenacious advocate for managerial raises, equity and a fair payment system for Paid Parental Leave.”
Executive Director Linda Barnes pointed to Mr. Eber’s ability to bring the board members together.
“When I first arrived here nine years ago, meetings would often become contentious and little was accomplished,” she said. “Thanks to Stu’s management by consensus style, we have board meetings with productive discussions and committees that function to serve our members.”
“I am not going too far away,” said Mr. Eber. As a Past President he remains on the Executive Board and will serve as an advisor to President Shulman. He will continue in his capacity as the Council of Municipal Retiree Organizations’ Recording Secretary.