ST. PAUL, Minn.—Mayor Melvin Carter on Oct. 9 unveiled a draft bill that would raise the city’s minimum wage to $15 an hour—but some workers would have to wait nine and a half years for it. The ordinance would raise pay for more than 56,000 St. Paul workers, Carter said in a statement co-signed by five of the seven City Councilmembers. Increases would be scheduled by the employer’s size. City workers would reach $15 in 2022, workers at “large” businesses (at least 100 employees) in 2023, those at “small” businesses in 2025, and those at “micro-businesses” with five or fewer employees would have to wait until 2027. Employers could pay less to workers under 18, union members whose contracts waive it, and some disabled workers, but the proposal would not allow a lower minimum for workers who receive tips. Celeste Robinson, lead organizer with the $15 Now Minnesota coalition, called it “a major victory for St. Paul workers,” but said the group would campaign to ensure that all workers are “covered as soon as possible.” Minneapolis enacted a bill last year that would raise its minimum to $15 for large businesses in 2022 and in 2024 for small ones. Read more