NEW YORK, NY – New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer has proposed investment in teachers and the City’s public school system to combat persistently high teacher turnover rates that set back the City’s most vulnerable students. In the new report“Teacher Residencies: Supporting the Next Generation of Teachers and Students,” Comptroller Stringer calls on the City Department of Education (DOE) to establish a large-scale, paid, year-long residency program. This would expand the in-classroom experience for new teachers.

The Comptroller’s analysis reveals how the DOE is failing to keep new teachers. A staggering 41 percent of all teachers hired in the 2012-13 school year left within five years.  Nearly 20 percent of all public school teachers with less than five years of experience left the classroom in 2017-18 alone. The Comptroller’s plan would close a glaring gap in teacher preparation that fuels teacher workforce attrition.

“Our children deserve the very best, and we have to take every step we can to give them a brighter future. That’s what this proposal is all about. If we’re going to give all students a fair shot, adults have to put them first, which means rethinking old approaches and breaking down outdated systems. It’s just a fact – a well-prepared teacher can transform a child’s life. But right now, the City is sending new teachers into the classroom without the experience or tools they need to help our students thrive. We’re throwing them into the deep-end and when they leave, too many of our students can’t stay afloat, as a result,” said New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer. “We all know that inequality runs straight through our school system, and that’s why we need to make sure our schools can recruit the best teachers – and support them to ensure they stay, and tap the potential of every student in every classroom. Investing in our kids means investing in our future – and part of that, means helping our teachers be the best they can be. As the nation’s largest school district, New York City should lead for our teachers, our parents, and our 1.1 million schoolchildren.”

Comptroller Stringer’s proposal creates a large scale residency program for new teachers. This would be in partnership with local higher education institutions. Over  1,000 new teachers could participate in this program each year. This would stem the tide of high teacher turnover.

“Teacher churn is a major problem for our schools and our students, and we want to thank the Comptroller’s office for their work on this key issue,” said UFT President Michael Mulgrew. “The UFT would love to see a strong collaboration with local universities and a teacher residency program that would help give all incoming teachers a stronger start in their profession.”


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