On this episode of LaborPress’ Blue Collar Buzz, Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers International President, discusses the impact announced tariffs on steel and aluminum imports are having on workers; Kate Blumm, NYC Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications, talks about the results of a recently completed audit of the city’s Franchise Agreement with Charter/Spectrum; and IBEW Local 3 Shop Steward Richard Shabman talks about the yearlong strike against Charter/Spectrum and what looms ahead.

1 thought on “Latest Buzz: Charter/Spectrum Audit; Steel Tariffs; Striking For a Year!”
The only thing Kate Blumm from DOITT didn’t mention in her interview was the fact that there is also a collective bargaining clause which was never mention. She said they have no jurisdiction over the strike aspect of the spectrum franchise agreement ? I would think collective bargaining is largely a key point in this matter in which spectrum should be found in default as well. I think it’s being over looked.