Amazon, Starbucks, Trader Joe’s, and REI, the outdoor gear company, all have workers that are advocating, as well as striking, for contracts that treat them well. For all their effort and time-consuming work towards better treatment, none of them have yet to receive first contracts. The Teamsters, who have put the monolith retailer Amazon in their crosshairs, said that thousands of Amazon delivery drivers who are without a contract, and who Amazon has maintained are contractors, not employees, were on strike in several states over the peak of the Christmas holidays, which Amazon denies. Starbucks Workers United also struck at approximately that same time. Only Apple employees were able to obtain a contract. Meanwhile, worries about what the Trump NLRB will look like are high, as previously, he championed the most anti-labor, right-wing approach to the Board.
Read the full story by Tom Ryan for RetailWire, published December 30, 2025, here: