The Greenwood Lake Middle School kicked off their kindness campaign entitled, “Choose Kind” on Tues., Oct., 10. The campaign focuses on making kind decisions. As part of the #choosekind campaign, all students and staff members were given a copy of the book “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio to share and read with their families, along with paper to write or draw thoughts related to kind messages. The message strips made by students and their families will be made into a huge kindness chain to symbolize the kindness growing in their school and will be displayed proudly.
Upon arrival to school on Tuesday, students were greeted with balloons and donuts to celebrate Auggie’s birthday. Auggie is the main character in the book “Wonder.”
Students then wrote words of encouragement to Auggie. The postcards were displayed around the school for students to read. This was a great way to kick off the school wide discussion on making kind choices. The students and staff really enjoyed participating in this and spreading kindness throughout their school. Students were excited to spread the kindness campaign to their families and friends outside of school as well.
As part of this growing campaign, Middle School Principal Jeffrey Golubchick extended an invitation to parents to join School Librarian Edna Auerfeld at lunch for a series of book discussions. These discussions will take place on three dates to be announced and parents will have the opportunity to have lunch with their child to discuss the book. Mr. Golubchick, as well as School Psychologist Heather Greenberg, will also lead parent book club discussions.
For more information on dates and times for these discussion groups visit