May 9, 2011
By Councilwoman Annabel Palma

The Executive Budget released Friday May 6, 2011 is one step forward. However, for those low income and working families who rely on subsidized child care, there are more questions than answers at this point.

There are many concerns about how the child care system will look moving forward. Based on what the Administration has proposed, I am skeptical of whether this is an appropriate solution for our City’s children. More conversations and details are needed to determine how services can remain intact for all 16,500 children slated to lose their day care or child care.

The Mayor seeks to replace $91 million in subsidized childcare services with roughly $40 million for childcare and Out of School Time (OST). The shift in funding from subsidized child care to OST which is meant to provide afterschool programs and services will still leave many working families scrambling for child care during traditional working hours. Further, it is unclear what the impact will be on existing OST programs, as well as to child care centers, classrooms and providers.

I look forward to working with the Administration to find answers to these questions. The Speaker and my Council colleagues will continue to look for suitable, long term solutions for the subsidized child care system and the best ways for minimizing the impacts of other city wide cuts.

Statement by NYC Council General Welfare Chair Annabel Palma
 In response to the Administration’s plan for subsidized child care


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