Stand Up for Livable Wages
March 22, 2013 By Camille Rivera, United NY Executive Director Camille Rivera today released the following statement regarding the reported State budget deal, which includes an incremental increase in the
March 22, 2013 By Camille Rivera, United NY Executive Director Camille Rivera today released the following statement regarding the reported State budget deal, which includes an incremental increase in the
March 15, 2013 By Thomas J. Mackell, Jr., Ed. D. President Association of Benefit Administrators (Delivered before the Annual Educational Conference of TEXPERS, Austin, TX, March 5, 2013) Before I
March 15, 2013 Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda My colleagues and I in the New York State Assembly have passed a 2013-14 state budget proposal that would: • Increased education
March 11, 2013 Diane Cohen Washington DC – This past week the House passed H.R. 988 to continue fiscal year 2013 funding beyond its scheduled expiration on March 27 through
March 11, 2013 By Stephanie West The amendments to the Executive Budget for state fiscal year (SFY) 2013-14 curtailed some risks contained in the originally proposed budget, but the impact
March 7, 2013 By Stephanie West Indexing Will Protect Low Wage Earners From Future Wage Erosion Speaker Sheldon Silver and members of the Assembly have announce plans to pass legislation
March 6, 2013 By Stephanie West Cash bonuses paid to New York City securities industry employees are forecast to rise by 8 percent to $20 billion during this year's bonus
March 1, 2013 Jon E Schlueter, President Empire State Planning Group, Inc. If your child is accepted at a college, he or she will get a financial aid award letter
February 28, 2013 Susan Smith, LP Albany Bureau Funston’s independent analysis confirms that the New York State Common Retirement Fund is a leader among public pension funds in this country
February 19, 2013 Chris Caggiano Unfortunately, not true. And this is why: The purpose of organizations like CCCS is to offer counseling services for consumers who are deeply in debt
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